Rejuvenation and Renewal
Rejuvenation and Renewal
Rejuvenation and Renewal
Rejuvenation and Renewal
The Intelligent Alternative to Traditional Chiropractic and Physical Therapy.
-Are you currently(or in the past) in Physical Therapy and not getting any better?
-Are you tired of the games that are played between your insurance company and your health care providers?
-Is your physical therapist only having you perform exercises and not doing manual therapy for most of your session?
-Is your physical therapist seeing more than one patient an hour?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then you need Body Alignment Center!
Let's face it Physical Therapy isn't what it used to be! I started Body Alignment Center as an answer to the negative impact of the struggles between Rehabilitation facilities and insurance companies and how it has hurt you the patient. Physical Therapy and rehabilitive medicine has really extended itself far into for-profit medicine. What this means for you the patient is devastating not only to the outcome of your care but also the costs associated with that care. First and foremost, rehabilition clinic owners are focused on the profitability of the clinic. To shave costs, they will hire therapists that don't have extensive manual therapy skills. Why? Because a clinician with manual therapy skills commands a higher level of pay than one that is only delivering exercise instruction and modalities(i.e. ice, ultrasound, muscle stim., etc.) in each patient visit. For this reason, in many clinics, patients will receive very little if any hands on care. Without this hands on care, your potential for correcting your injury and progress is very limited. Also your therapist, may not even be working with you one on one, which brings me to a second point. Many clinic owners command their therapists to see multiple patients per hour. Why? Because it boosts the overall revenue per therapist. What they don't think of is the negative impact it has on your physical outcome! Have you ever been in a clinic where your therapist was juggling 2, 3, even 4 patients an hour? Well then you know what limited time that therapist is spending with you and directly supervising your care. What is most likely the case is that therapist is running around with a clipboard completing daily charting and notes on all of his/her patients because if they didn't they would have an extra 2-3 hours tacked on to the end of their day to document your care precisely for insurance reimbursement. When you aren't getting the one on one care and very little hands on treatment the potential for your positive progress slips dramatically! Let me show you this graphically.
Therapist: Exercise based Therapist Manual Based Therapist (2-4 patients an hour) (can only see 1 patient an hour) Salary $40,000 $60,000
Revenue Generated per hour $600.00 $225.00
Now can you see how your care is getting compromised by the allure of steeper profits! Clinic owners can hire a clinician for less money that generates up to 3 times the revenue of that of the more expensive hire!
Lastly I close with costs, back when I left the world of outpatient orthopedic rehabilition(in 2000), the usual and customary charge that a clinic would bill your insurance carrier for exercise/modality based care was $150.00 per hour visit. The customary billing for manual therapy(directly administered one on one) care for one hour was $225.00. With the average prescription for care being 2-3 times per week for 4-6 weeks, this can mean upwards of $2,700.00 for exercise based care and $4,000.00 for manual therapy based care. Now we all know that our insurance policies do not cover 100% of that so on average 40% of that gets kicked back for you to pay out of pocket. That could mean $1080.00 that you have to come up with for your care. That is alot to pay for care that isn't helping you to get better!!! Not only that, but some insurance carriers now limit the number of therapy visits they will allow in a calendar year. Some limit visits to as little as 12 per year. Still yet other insurance companies won't even cover physical therapy.
Why spend more money for care that is lacking in quality and isn't getting you better!!! Now, You don't have to!
We are conveniently located at
15 Spinning Wheel Road
Suite 230A
Hinsdale, IL 60521
Copyright © 2022 Body Alignment Center - All Rights Reserved.